The Bellfuries tour NL one last time, April tourdates announced now
11-12-2016The Bellfuries are breaking up but not before a last European tour of which we are proud to announce a handfull of dates in The Netherlands next April:
05-04-2017: Rotterdam (NL) @ Rotown
06-04-2017: Utrecht (NL) @ dBs
07-04-2017: Drachten (NL) @ Iduna
09-04-2017: Hoorn (NL) @ A Small Town Music Walk VII
The Bellfuries’ debut on Hi-Style Records, “Workingman’s Bellfuries”, hoists the band to new heights, drawing upon a deep well of musical styles. Early country, rockabilly and 80’s pop sounds are woven throughout eleven tracks, with Joey Simeone’s soaring lead vocals reminding listeners that this record isn’t some dusty artifact plucked from the archives.
With razor-sharp, groove-oriented production from label owner and acclaimed producer Jimmy Sutton, “Workingman’s Bellfuries” is a refreshing iteration of The Bellfuries’ sound; tinkling boogie piano, driving double bass rhythms and innovative-meets-traditional rockabilly guitar licks make the album an easy fit for a juke-joint dance floor. But it is Simeone’s vivid songwriting–his exploration of the complexities of love and loss– that makes “Workingman’s Bellfuries” instantly relatable to every listener. Don’t let its mid-century aesthetics fool you; “Workingman’s Bellfuries” is a vibrant contemporary rock and roll record.